

Hotel check-in and check-out

Check-in 15:00-20:00.
Check in before 15:00 – is subject to availability
Check-in after 20:00 – Please let us know approximate arrival time by phone or e-mail

  • Check-out is 12:00 at latest.
  • Late check-out – please contact the hotel administration. Late check-out is subject to availability and for additional charge.
  • According to the tourism law, all hotel guests must fill in the registration card on arrival.
  • It is mandatory to write first and last name, date of birth, citizenship, place of living,
    phone number, e-mail, signature. Every guest has to be registered.


Parking is free for hotel guests. There are also parking spots for buses.


Mon-Fri 8-10
Sat-Sun 8-11

  • Breakfast before 8:00 – please let us know during the making of the reservation.
  • Breakfast after 10:00 (on work days) and after 11:00 (on weekends and national holidays) – by agreement with the hotel administration for additional charge.
  •  Breakfast in room – for additional charge.
  •  Breakfast is free for hotel guests.


  • Sauna is open everyday 8:00-22:00 for additional charge, final passage is at 21:00. Morning sauna 8:00-12:00 is 10€/hour per room. Sauna at 15:00-22:00 is 20€/hour per room. Please let us know of the sauna booking during the accommodation reservation.
  • Sauna can also be booked for events up to 6 people. Time and price by agreement.
  • We offer snacks and drinks in the sauna for additional charge.
  • Personally brought snacks and drinks are not allowed in the sauna. Breaking the rules will result in a fine of 50€ (fifty euros).
  • Breaking the rules will give the hotel the right to ask the client to exit the sauna.


  • Smoking inside hotel rooms is strictly prohibited. Smoking is allowed in the outdoor area of the hotel, at the designated place. Breaking the rules and smoking at a prohibited area will result in a fine of 100€ (one hundred euros).
  • Guests must behave politely during their stay at the hotel. Furthermore, it is not allowed to bother other hotel guests or hotel personnel, or obstruct regular work at the hotel.
  • The night-time hours of quiet are at 22:00-07:00. Please let us know of any rule breakers as soon as possible on the phone +372 5303 7455 (around the clock 24/7).
  • Hotel has a right to ask the guest to exit the premises due to impolite behavior caused by excessive alcohol or drug consumption.
  • Hotel guest is required to pay a penal fine for damaging, ruining or breaking hotel property, based on the acquisition value of the item.
  • Hotel keeps its right to choose guests, and in case of breaking hotel regulations, to ask guests to leave the hotel territory. In such case, the amount that was paid for accommodation and hotel services will not be subject to reimbursement.

Cleaning, extra bed

  • Day cleaning is performed everyday during the timeframe of 9:00-15:00.
  • Bedsheets in the hotel rooms are changed every 3 days.
  • For extra blanket, pillow, towels, toilet paper please contact the hotel reception or the phone number +372 5303 7455.
  • For a crib or an extra bed please let us know before your arrival, preferrably during the reservation process.


Children are always welcome to the hotel!

  • Children under the age of 5 years stay at the hotel for free.
  • A crib in the room is free – please let us know of your wish during the reservation process.
  • A play corner is available at the hotel.
  • Kids menu.
  • Children under the age of 12 must stay at the hotel under adult supervision and care.


All pets are welcome to the hotel! Additional charge for pets is 10€/night for 1 pet. Please
pay for the pet during the reservation process.